2005 Parkland Show, Olds, AB
(Judge Gerald Verkuyl, California)
3rd - Halter, Section A Mare 3 and Over
(Judge Judy Bertelsen, Alberta)
4th - Halter, Section A Mare 3 and Over
2nd - Pony Hunter Over Fences, Rider 8 & Under
4th - Pony Hunter Over Fences, Rider 8 & Under
Placed well in English Pleasure classes with new rider
2005 Westerner Show, Red Deer, AB
Shown by 7 year old first time rider
3rd - Halter Section A 3 & Over Yeld Mare
2nd - Walk/Trot 8 years and under
4th - Hunter poles 8 & Under
Placed well in costume class, after being dressed as a unicorn